getting to know – (9) resistance against writings

So in my long break i did, as i recognized that daily wriitng is still to this day not „flowing“, i decided to work more ont he basics of writing and the information wich is presented by desteni (

So furthermore, there is an free online course where you get actualy to know the information from the desteniiprocess – but in a fairly compressed format. It’s not actually the desteniiprocess ( but the desteniiprocess lite (

So within that, i continue on this course as it is more the way i could handle the times and the managment of doing the assingments for continuation of my process.

So resistance in wiritings, write it out!

– There are a few resistances in writing myself out:
resistance to actualy change
– resistance to drop my long accepted and inherited habbits
– resistance of getting to know my true self (what i have become)
– resistance in a form of fear, to lose myself or lose „something“ that i think is part of myself
– resistance in a form of emotional barrier that it will get so emotional, that i think, that i can’t continue that way – that it hurts (in my body)
– resistance for standing up, taking responsibility for myself and the world i’m living in
– resistance in a form of fear where i judge myself for not beeing „good enough“ in doing it, and therefore letting my mind play some righteous games about the desteni material and the „i already know“-ego perspective

But there are upsides in writing that come more and more trough my self, that clearly show myself, that wiriting is effective and is indeed changing myself. Of course, not wiriting alone will make the change, but, writing out and realising while writing makes the difference. There comes some thoughts up that are telling me, that writing actualy makes alot of sense.

So for my resistance-notes and for the process, its quite cool to see, that working and writing is getting me to emotional reactions and though patterns, that repeat, till i stop them and self forgivenes is done onto them. It’s quite a fascinating journey and realisation, that comes step by step.

I can really encourage and suggest to try  the „desteni i process lite“-version. It’s just the greatest information i came across (and i did come across alot of information about life, afterlife and whateverforms of things, that is here, that are from interest and from substance…). So it’s also important to note, that there is support for everyone that dares to qustion reality and that dares to change. Nothing comes with ease but with ease comes everything, you know 🙂
It takes a lot of time, but it is the most important study someone can come across. It’s life, it’s you. It’s just everythign here.

It also opens the eyes, why things are going wrong and why we are all responsible for it.

So. Everyone is invited to try it out.

I will continue in my next blog.